
What a wonderful evening

Tonight was a wonderful night. I spoke with a dear younger friend of mine about things in his life, specifically what he thinks may be a calling to marry a girl he has met and spent some time with, and spoken extensively with. To see this young man seeking the guidance of the Lord in this, looking to build on firm foundation and heading in a direction of righteousness has truly warmed my heart. It is wonderful to see God glorifying Himself in His children. What a blessing.

The revival conference that was hosted by www.sermonindex.net just concluded, and the preaching and praying was beautiful (I mean to use that word.) It really was, it was hard, and it was wrenching, but God moved and is moving. I am so encouraged. There was a chat room along with it, and the spirit of God was even upon the chat. Normally things spiral out of control in a chat setting with people being divided and arguing… but this was different. We were able to post questions for a panel which included Paul Washer, among others, and the Spirit was so upon it.

My marriage has taken a very sweet turn today and yesterday. The Lord seems to be taking us to yet another level, and it is wonderful. I am very joyous this evening, my wife just left a bible study with Godly women and is off to spend a little time with some other friends, I just got back from what we call eVANgelism, where we take youth to local out door malls, down town, college campuses, etc… and seek people to pray with and talk to. We had a blessed time, and even had the opportunity to be in a circle of prayer with a gentleman right in front of the stores of the outdoor mall we went to. What a blessing to have youth in our midst who do not fear being a testimony for Christ.

My son is growing, and is such a joy. He is learning to love his parents, giving hugs, crawling all over us, laughing, trying to talk, and bringing us much happiness. The Lord is truly upon my family, and to have His blessing is such a joy.

Can you imagine that God would take a man, mired in pot smoking, drinking, fornication, and religious hypocrisy and turn Him unto Himself? Then shower such blessing upon him? He has done it, I do not deserve an ounce of it, but He has done it, and I will praise Him for it. Oh that the love which I have today, would only grow.

I will leave this as it is, and post some more instructional thoughts later.

Just remember, Christianity is a joy, yes it is broken, but it is a joy. Do not spend all your time dividing doctrines, digging deeper, hashing out the details… that has its place… doctrine and theology are VERY important… but sometimes you must rest, and just Love God for who He is, and what He has done.

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